Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help out?

There are many ways to help us out:

  • Attend the talks! The more people in the audience, the better.

  • Register to speak for the talks.

  • Join our organizing team. We’re looking for help organizing the meetings, as well as administrative tasks such as applying for equipment use and becoming a FEDS club. To sign up, send your Facebook and GitHub names through the form at the bottom of the page.

How do I sign up to talk?

Fill out the form on the talk registration page. We’ll contact you about the status of your application.

How do I write a talk summary?

Talk summaries are written in Markdown. See the link for more details.

What should I know as a speaker?

Please read the important information for speakers for a guide on how to effectively speak in our talks.

Where can I leave feedback?

If you attended a talk and want to give feedback on it, you can do so with this Google form. All suggestions are welcome!

Did we answer your question?

If not, please ask us! Use this form to get in contact with us.