Information theory

There have been 1 completed talk and 2 topic suggestions tagged with information theory.

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Information Theory

Delivered by Sidhant Saraogi on Friday October 14, 2016

I will try to provide a brief introduction to Information Theory working towards motivating Shannon's Source Coding Theorem. We will use rather simple examples (for e.g. Repetition Codes) to explain the idea of noisy channels and similarly simple examples to explain the idea behind the theorem and eventually try to prove it for a rather specific example. (if we have the time !)

Talk Suggestions

Compressed Sensing

Compressed sensing is about minimizing the information gathered and stored by sensors, reducing the need for file compression later on for transmission. This can reduce costs for certain applications, such as non-visible wavelength cameras.

Possible reference materials for this topic include

Quick links: Google search, search, propose to present a talk

algebra information theory linear algebra signal processing statistics

Entropy in Mathematics and Information Theory

Possible reference materials for this topic include

Quick links: Google search, search, propose to present a talk

information theory probability statistics