Ordinary Generating Functions
This is a reference document on Ordinary Generating Functions by Fengyang Wang. It covers a subset of the material of MATH 239, MATH 249, or CO 330.
The set of natural numbers, including zero, is important in combinatorics. We denote it by $\mathbf{N} \cup \{0\} = \{0, 1, 2, \ldots\}$.
A sequence $(a_n)_{n\ge0}$ is a function $\mathbf{N} \cup \{0\} \to \mathbf{C}$. We denote by $a_k$ the result of evaluating this function at natural number $k$.
An example of a sequence is the triangular numbers $(T_n)_{n\ge0}$, which counts the number of edges in a complete graph of order $n$. We have, for example, $T_0 = 0$, $T_1 = 1$, $T_2 = 3$, $T_3 = 6$, $T_4 = 10$.
A common way to describe a sequence is by an explicit closed form, which gives the function directly. For the aforementioned sequence of triangular numbers, there is a simple closed form:
Sometimes, a closed form may not be easy to find or may not be feasible to compute, and we instead can use a recurrence relation. A recurrence relation describes, recursively, the values of the sequence. For the triangular numbers, we can find the following recurrence relation:
A third representation of a sequence, which is often more compact and sometimes more computationally useful than the two mentioned here, is by analogy with a power series. Recall (MATH 138 / MATH 148) that a power series is a generalization of a polynomial, with arbitrarily large powers of the formal variable $x$. In general, we may write power series as
or, using summation notation, as
Note, in particular, that the coefficients $(g_n)_{n\ge0}$ form a sequence. We may exploit this similarity between sequences and power series to help describe sequences through their analogous power series. For instance, the triangular numbers are described by the power series
Importantly, this power series admits a simple form:
It is this compact format that makes generating functions useful.
Let $S$ be a set. Often, we want to enumerate the elements in $S$ based on some particular metrics. One common kind of metric is to assign to each element of $S$ some non-negative integer. We call this kind of metric a weight function.
More formally, a weight function for $S$ is a function
A common task in enumeration is to count how many objects in $S$ have weight $n$; that is, to find the size of the set
and especially to solve this problem in general for all $n\in\mathbf{N}\cup\{0\}$. Furthermore, it is often convenient to encode this information into a compact, algebraically useful form, if possible.
Generating functions enable us to do this. We can encode all the information above as coefficients for some power series. That is, we can define
to be the (single-variable) generating function for weight function $w$ over $S$.