Type theory

There have been 1 completed talk and 3 topic suggestions tagged with type theory.

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Completed Talks

Types and Object-Oriented Programming

Delivered by Nikita Kapustin on Friday October 14, 2016

I'll be talking about how to use basic types like sets and functions to construct other types and use them to represent objects.

Talk Suggestions

Abstraction in Technical Computing

Scientists, mathematicians, and engineers have an increasing need to write efficient computer programs but they tend to use specific languages for technical computing like Matlab or Mathematica rather than general purpose languages. The suggested reference discusses the properties a general purpose language would need to be able to also handle technical computing – one possibility for allowing efficient technical computing involves a powerful type system and dispatch system to enable generic, staged, and higher-order programming.

Required Background: First year CS at the level of CS 135 and 136.

Possible reference materials for this topic include

Quick links: Google search, arXiv.org search, propose to present a talk

Tech Talks computer science first year friendly polymorphism programming language type theory

Constructive Mathematics

Constructive mathematics, or mathematics without the law of the excluded middle, is becoming more popular thanks to connections with computer science, category theory, and topology. Its logical foundations may be initially difficult to grasp for those used to a classical system.

Possible reference materials for this topic include

Quick links: Google search, arXiv.org search, propose to present a talk

computability computer science constructive mathematics logic philosophy topology type theory

Hindley–Milner Type System

Possible reference materials for this topic include

Quick links: Google search, arXiv.org search, propose to present a talk

computer science type theory